Gamification For Business

How Gamification Increases Engagement And Results In Your Business

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In this article, I will show you how gamification increases engagement and results in your business. If you’re not familiar with the term, gamification is the process of using game mechanics and game design concepts to solve business problems and engage your audience, prospects, customers, and collaborators.

It’s often considered to be done just for the fun factor, but gamification can be a powerful business tool.

When used correctly, it can help you drive engagement, get results, and even increase sales. But how exactly does it work?

What is Gamification?

The basic idea of ​​gamification is simple: by adding elements of competition and rewards, you can make almost any task more engaging and fun. And when people have fun, they are more likely to follow through. That is why gamification is such an effective tool to obtain results.

Think of it like this: if you are trying to increase sales on your website, you could use gamification to add a leaderboard widget that shows the top 10 readers or users for a certain period. Or, if you’re trying to get people to sign up for your email list, you could use a contest or giveaway as an incentive.

Gamification for business

How to Take Advantage of Gamification In Your Business?

Of course, gamification is not just about adding gaming elements to your processes, products, content, or marketing campaigns. It’s also about thinking like a game designer. This means, understanding what motivates people to keep interacting and designing your strategy around those concepts.

Below, I’ll share two practical examples of how to take advantage of gamification in your business.

Example #1: Meister

A tangible way of how to use gamification to improve your productivity can be seen in the applications of Meister. Meister is the leading Austrian startup behind the favorite productivity apps of millions around the world: MindMeister, MeisterTask, and MeisterNote.

When you manage your tasks with MeisterTask, your team members will see small animations as they progress through their work. This adds a fun and a refreshing twist to the typical journey.

When the animations option is activated in your MeisterTask account, your collaborators will see a small splash every time they complete a checklist item. Additionally, they will see a small rocket that flies away when the whole task is completed.

Gamification in MeisterTask

On the other hand, MindMeister gives you the ability to embed your mind maps in blog posts. This way, you can provide interactive content to your users when they are browsing your website or online store.

Downloadable MindMeister mind maps or MeisterTask project templates could even play the role of juicy lead magnets to increase your database of leads.

As if that were not enough, Meister gives us the advantage of experiencing gamification first-hand with the launch of the Meister Community.

On that platform, several of these techniques have been implemented with the goal of motivating users to:

  • Share useful information.
  • Ask questions.
  • Receive advice.
  • Improve the product.
  • Learn first about new features.

One example visible in this platform is the leaderboard, where users with more positive and helpful interactions are the ones ranking higher.

Example of leaderboard in Meister Community
Names and pictures blurred for privacy

Example #2: This Blog Post

Another example of gamification is the interactive activity that my team have developed for you in the following lines.

Having read this post up to this point, it will surely be easy for you to complete the following challenge. Will you be able to get the highest score? Let’s see:

How cool it’d be if you could save all the points gained while interacting with these activities?

You don’t have to imagine, in Technopreneuring we have implemented that feature for you.

Keys To Success For Gamification In Your Business

If you are trying to increase sales on your website, increase your subscriber list, or increase interactions with your brand, product or business, you will need to make sure that the activities you design are attractive and easy to complete.

This way, your audience will follow through, and the strategy will work.

Consider this: If you want to reap the benefits of gamification, you have to think like a game designer.

  • What motivates people to play?
  • What keeps them coming back for more?

If you answer these questions, you will be able to design products, experiences, and campaigns that really produce positive results for your business.

In conclusion

Gamification is a powerful tool, but only if done correctly.

Thinking like a game designer and understanding what motivates people to play (and engage) will make it easier for you to make the most of these techniques. You’ll be able to deliver the experience your users want with your products and services.

If you are looking for a Digital Solutions Agency featuring more than 10 years of experience implementing gamification for their customers, then it is time to contact

I hope you find these tips on how gamification increases engagement and results in your business useful.

Remember to share this post with your friends and leave me your questions in the comment section bellow.

Best regards.

Andres D'Andrea
Andrés D’Andrea

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