Optimize resources. Maximize results.
In this site, you’ll learn how to optimize your operations and drive your results to new heights with the best collaborative tools in the market
In +20 years operating businesses in several countries, I've learned to implement the best strategies and management solutions available
Technopreneuring.Com is the site where you’ll learn how to build highly effective, decentralized, and collaborative teams that work as a unit, no matter their geographical location.
Creative problem solving, remote work, asynchronous collaboration, management frameworks and service protocols are some subjects I’ll be covering for you in each post.
Countries in the Americas and the Caribbean
My Experience
My whole career, I’ve been performing in management positions related to technology and customer service. That’s how I got my favorite motto:
“A great service is the best differentiator your customers will remember you for.”
I started my career in 2002 providing specialized technical service for a multinational company in Venezuela.
Between 2005 y 2008 I was promoted to several positions that allowed me to collaborate with several corporations in different countries, continuing my learning process and professional development.
In 2010, I arrive to Mexico as Operations Manager for another Tech company in a massive and competitive market.
2017 is the year I found my first project as an Entrepreneur, BSF.company, which recurrently serves today more than a hundred customers worldwide, helping them differentiate themselves through solid digital solutions to provide great customer experience in their businesses.
Founder, Consultant, Speaker
Responsible for resolving operating challenges for my customers in a post-pandemic world, in which decentralization, remote work, and automation of operating procedures are the key to success.
Operations Manager
In charge of leading a mobile team of 89 collaborators located in 28 cities, sorting out operation’s challenges in the second most competivie market in Latin America: México.
Operations Deputy
Responsible for assisting, planning and scheduling of management tasks, optimizing resources, and maximizing results.
Tech Lead
In charge of creating scalable and durable tech solutions to facilitate an excellent customer experience.
100% battle-tested
Each and every strategy, tactic and tool I recommend has been tested by myself for the last ten years in the second most competitive market of Latin America: Mexico.
I only recommend what I use for my business!
Resources I recommend
In my company I use a suite of collaborative apps to help me create solutions, coordinate my remote staff and provide the best service my customers deserve.
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